Calling all dancers, movers, shakers, and artists: Create a video to demand #WERKNotWalls in your community and a world free from violence, oppression, and occupation.

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From Berlin to DC,
From Palestine to Mexico,
All the Walls Have Got to Go. 


About #WERKNotWalls


 We are calling on all dancers, movers, shakers, and artists of all kind to create videos and demand #WERKNotWalls.

Currently, thousands of migrants and refugees are caravanning to the US border, seeking safety from violence in their countries of origin. Many of these same countries have been ravaged by US imperialism and yet the US refuses to provide safe harbor. The Trump administration preemptively rejected these individuals, demonizing them and deploying hundreds of military personnel ready to inflict violence against them should they try to cross the border to safety. Indeed, as the first wave of individuals part of the caravan arrived to the US border to seek asylum, they were met with tear gas.

Trump’s threats on migrants and refugees at the US/Mexico border are no exception. Around the world, borders, walls, and criminalizing laws work to divide, separate, and imprison people, ensuring that the privileged remain powerful while the oppressed are further marginalized. We know these structures affect the most marginalized people in our communities - people of color, trans and queer people, disabled people, people with healthcare and food security needs, people facing violence by oppressive governments and imperialist structures, occupied peoples, native peoples, and people who don’t have access to work or economic mobility.

Using dance as a means to express our dissent and celebrate our resilience, #WERKNotWalls is a campaign to WERK for a world free from oppressive and imperialist structures that seek to divide and separate us. As one united front we say: From Berlin to DC, from Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go.

About the launch video

Shot and Edited by: Gabe Jacobs
Insta: @jabegacobs
Website: gabejacobs.works

Location: Berlin, Germany

Artist: Firas Nasr
Insta: @fifithephoenix
Read Firas’ Artist Statement Here.


Join the Movement

Sign up with your email address to stay in the loop on how you can WERK for a world free from violence.  

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Take Action

Use your body to send a loud and clear message to the world that we demand #WERKNotWalls.


Create A video

Use your creative power to create a video. What are the walls and borders in your community that limit people from reaching their full potential? A prison? An ICE office? A police precinct? A street or train tracks that separate communities by race or socioeconomic class?

Post your video with the hashtag #WERKNotWalls and tag WERK for Peace (on FB and Twitter, @werkforpeace, and on Insta @werk4peace) so we can uplift your WERK!

Filmmakers and dancers: contact us if you are willing to donate your skills and need to get connected with one another. We would love to support you.

Follow WERK on social media

Watch and share videos and get updates on how you can WERK for a world free from violence.


Your contribution to our movement goes directly towards supporting organizations at the US/Mexico border that are working with migrants and refugees as they arrive. Thank you for your support.
